Early signs of blood clot in leg
July 1, 2013 Blood Clot
Signs of blood clot in leg

by Pulmonary Pathology under CC BY-SA


Early signs of blood clot in the leg are considered to be the best way of preventing any further clotting. Keep in mind that there are internal and external blood clots in the legs and if left unattended to, they can result in life threatening complications.

As such, it is important to know symptoms in advance so that you can take the necessary actions required in terms of blood clot treatment. If you have no clue about the signs of this condition, this article will provide you with all the signs that you need to know.

Signs of blood clot in the leg – The Facts

When a blood clot occurs in the leg, one of the recognizable signs is swelling. You will notice that one leg is bigger than the other leg as a result of water retention. Even though swelling of the leg may be caused by other issues, this is the most obvious signs of this condition.

There may come a time when the blood clot may become severe without you noticing, or feeling pain. However, if you discover that the area where the blood clot has occurred is very red, hot and even painful, it is one of the clear signs of this problem. With time, the clotting may lose its coloring and begin to change to white or blue. It can be fatal, so it is therefore not worthwhile to ignore these signs.

Small and unbearable leg pain is another sign of a blood clot in leg. With time, the pain may increase and this in turn can make it hard to ignore. If you continue ignoring the blood clot pain, it can become localized, and you may be required to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Another strong sign that cannot go unnoticed is to have cramps. At first, the cramps may not be intense, and most people ignore them. However, if the cramps become intense, they may cause some throbbing pain which can extend to the calf muscle. If you happen to bend your foot, the cramps will intensify, and it is therefore important to ensure that this is checked as soon as possible.

The other signs of blood clot in the leg are the area becomes very warm, especially when touched. The whole region may become red especially if the blood clot is getting worse.

When this happens, it is imperative to go to any local hospital for medical attention. This sign is a clear indication that the blood clot has reached an emergency state.

It may be easy to ignore that leg pain, but it is important to ensure you take the action required once any of the above provided signs have onset. This in turn will ensure a doctor provides you with the best treatment to prevent any life-threatening complications such as stroke, heart attacks and even death.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you to understand the signs of blood clot in legs. Read also about blood clot in arm dangers and prevention.

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